Thailand Nightlife – Understand & Exploit THIS DYNAMIC!

A typical night of a girl working in a Thailand Red Light District looks like this …

Girl goes to work her shift at the gogo bar. She is THE princess. She is THE prize. You came to see HER.

The night goes and and she still doesn’t have a customer. Closing time is approaching … her level of desperation goes up by +1.

The gogo bar is closing and she doesn’t have a customer. Level of desperation goes up by another +1 … and for the first time during the night, the dynamics change. Continue reading “Thailand Nightlife – Understand & Exploit THIS DYNAMIC!”

THAILAND VS. CAMBODIA (Nightlife, Girls, Costs of Living …) – UPDATED

For the last few years, Cambodia has been touted as THE Thailand alternative, the new up-and-coming single men’s paradise.

Is there any substance to these claims or is it all hype?

In this report, I compare Thailand and Cambodia in regards to nightlife options, girls, costs of living and other factors relevant for single men. Continue reading “THAILAND VS. CAMBODIA (Nightlife, Girls, Costs of Living …) – UPDATED”

Phnom Penh Red Light District Cambodia [UPDATED + VIDEOS INSIDE]

Cambodia Red Light Districts are awesome!
They are better than Thailand’s!
Cambodia is the new single man’s paradise!

After having spent an entire week in Phnom Penh, I could not disagree with those statements more strongly.

To be honest, the reason I’ve decided to write this report was to go beyond all the hype and detail what Phnom Penh is really like (from my perspective). Continue reading “Phnom Penh Red Light District Cambodia [UPDATED + VIDEOS INSIDE]”