Thailand Single Man 3 ESSENTIALS – Custom Condoms, ATM Fees & Staying SAFE!

I am very analytical when it comes to travelling – and you should be TOO. Here’s why …

It doesn’t matter if you’re going to Thailand (or any other single men destination) – you are going to spend YOUR time and YOUR money.

Those two resources are valuable enough for you to really look into MAXIMIZING YOUR TRIP. In other words: Getting the most for your time and money spent!

Doing that comes down to a few elements: Continue reading “Thailand Single Man 3 ESSENTIALS – Custom Condoms, ATM Fees & Staying SAFE!”


Thailand is a single man’s dream. Bangkok nightlife is fantastic and Pattaya is just over-the-top.

For years, I have been recommending Thailand to my close friends and to you – via this blog.

… but there are reasons to absolutely STAY AWAY from Thailand. If any of the situations below apply to you, then Thailand is 100% NOT FOR YOU. Continue reading “AVOID THAILAND NIGHTLIFE IF … (3 REASONS TO STAY AWAY)”

AirBNB or Hotel – Which Is For You? (How To Decide) + Why AirBNB Is NOT Illegal In Thailand!

This is a question I get asked a lot, ‘Should I stay at an AirBNB condo or a hotel?’ – I want to give you some pointers so you have all information to make the decision yourself.

Is AirBNB illegal in Thailand?

Before I talk about the pros & cons of each type of accommodation, I want to talk about the legality of AirBNB in Thailand.

You might have read some headlines stating that AirBNB is illegal in Thailand.

NO, IT IS NOT. AirBNB is perfectly LEGAL in Thailand!

… BUT the room you book is most likely illegal. Continue reading “AirBNB or Hotel – Which Is For You? (How To Decide) + Why AirBNB Is NOT Illegal In Thailand!”