Introduction to Thailand Nightlife
If you’re reading this, you’re no doubt ready to dive headfirst into the dizzying spectacle of Thailand’s adult entertainment scene. Every year, I get asked what my #1 recommendation for a single man nightlife, dating, and just fun location is. And surprise, surprise, every year “Thailand, bro” has been my answer so far.
That hasn’t changed – even in 2025.
There are those that keep saying that “It’s over! Thailand is DONE!” year after year.
Every year, they claim that Thailand isn’t good anymore just because something about nightlife, something about the visa policy, etc. has changed.
But trust me when I say that change in regards to Thailand, or Thailand’s nightlife as been an absolute constant for the last 10 years (especially during/after Covid) – yet, Thailand is still the amazing playground it has been a decade ago.
You just need to know how to adapt. True, some bars/venues might have closed – but then, others have opened. So all you need is a refresher, an update in regards to where to go.
But before you get ready for your trip, it’s important to get some context and understand the terrain you’re about to navigate. Continue reading “Thailand Nightlife Guide 2025”