Thailand Nightlife Guide 2025

Introduction to Thailand Nightlife

If you’re reading this, you’re no doubt ready to dive headfirst into the dizzying spectacle of Thailand’s adult entertainment scene. Every year, I get asked what my #1 recommendation for a single man nightlife, dating, and just fun location is. And surprise, surprise, every year “Thailand, bro” has been my answer so far.

That hasn’t changed – even in 2025.

There are those that keep saying that “It’s over! Thailand is DONE!” year after year.

Every year, they claim that Thailand isn’t good anymore just because something about nightlife, something about the visa policy, etc. has changed.

But trust me when I say that change in regards to Thailand, or Thailand’s nightlife as been an absolute constant for the last 10 years (especially during/after Covid) – yet, Thailand is still the amazing playground it has been a decade ago.

You just need to know how to adapt. True, some bars/venues might have closed – but then, others have opened. So all you need is a refresher, an update in regards to where to go.

But before you get ready for your trip, it’s important to get some context and understand the terrain you’re about to navigate. Continue reading “Thailand Nightlife Guide 2025”

Thailand Bar Fine Explained – What You Pay and Why

Alright, let’s get ready for a deep dive into the integrate details of Thailand’s bar fine system. How does Thailand’s nightlife work behind the scenes? How much do things cost for you as a visitor/customer?

It is essential for you to know these details to get exactly what you want, keep everyone happy, and easily circumvent possible scams.

Understanding the Bar Fine

The ‘bar fine’ is a pivotal component of Thailand’s nightlife. Essentially, it’s a fee paid to the bar for taking one of their working ladies out for the day or the night.

It has nothing to do with what you might get up to with the lady later, that’s an entirely separate negotiation. It’s worth noting that bars aren’t charitable organizations, they’re running a business. Continue reading “Thailand Bar Fine Explained – What You Pay and Why”

6 Reason Thailand Nightlife Is GOD TIER in 2024

1. Dating On Speedmode

The ease of dating, and the entire dating culture was what initially attracted me to Thailand. I think that’s no suprise for you to hear, and dating in general or elements of it is what’s most appealing about Thailand to most guys.

I am of the opinion that dating is both a very important part of a man’s quality of life, and at the same time somewhat of a waste of time. And for that reason I always thought that I should place myself in a dating game enviroment in which the odds are stacked in my favor. Continue reading “6 Reason Thailand Nightlife Is GOD TIER in 2024”


More than 4 years ago, I’ve done a comparison of what are widely considered THE prime locations for single men traveling & living in Asia.

Namely, Thailand, the Philippines & Vietnam. Covering all relevant aspects such as nightlife, online dating, pay for play, happy endings, accomondation, costs of living, and more.

Now, it is time for an update.

How have things changed? Have they changed at all? Is Thailand still number one, or would I recommend another country entirely?

Let’s find out in this video!

Continue reading “THAILAND VS. PHILIPPINES VS. VIETNAM – Ultimate Comparison UPDATE 2023”